The foundations of data-driven government

Before starting data projects, it’s important for public sector teams to make sure they have the right technical, operational and cultural foundations. In this post I’d like to share what these foundations are, why they matter and how to get them right. If you work in and around data, you probably know a lot of this. But if you work in the public sector digital space and you’re hoping to make better use of your data, this is hopefully of some use!

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Why data-driven organisations: The problem

Why we should care about data-driven organisations? We will look at the specific problem that drives our inquiry into this area and forms the basis of the direction in how this large topic can be broken down.

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Measuring the carbon footprint of your Python applications

With environmental targets an ever-growing concern, building applications that are as efficient as possible is more important than ever. Data is the key to understanding the environmental impact your applications have. With this in mind, how do you begin to measure the carbon footprint of your software?

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What is a data-driven organisation? Bringing order to chaos

Continuing his series on data-driven organisations, our Senior Engineer John Nicholas dives deeper into the problem of data and the importance of identifying the distinction between ‘data-driven organisations’ and ‘informed learning organisations’.

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Finding Ethics in Data Security

We live in a world increasingly intertwined with software; the Internet of Things allows companies to collect data relating to not only what we type, but on where we are, who we are with, how we drive our vehicles, and more intimate details like our sleeping patterns and heart rates. In the near future it will be trivial to sequence an individual’s genomic information and make predictions about their personality traits and health.

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