Continuous Delivery: Continuous Improvement

We’ve discussed what Continuous Delivery is, the benefits, how to prepare your team for it, the challenges you may face adopting it, the tools you can use, how to build your pipeline and what you can do to make sure quality remains high, but how do you stay on top of the advances in Continuous Delivery?

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Pull requests and Continuous Integration

A few months ago at Made Tech the Finery team switched to GitHub. Before the move we pushed commits directly into the master branch. Commit notifications with links to the diffs would then come up on the Finery channel on our HipChat server, and members of the team could review the commits at their own leisure. There was no commitment to code review.

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Making Multiple Browserify Bundles with Gulp

Recently I was writing an npm module, and I wanted to include some examples of how to use the module in the repo. For me, this required having a gulp watch function which compiled several different files that all included the same module into several different bundles in several different places. Finding examples of doing this were very rare and/or incomplete online, so I’m writing a full breakdown of what I did for anyone having the same issues that I was.

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How to Create a Better Rails Development Environment with Docker Compose

I’ve seen quite a few articles recently detailing the steps to creating a simple Ruby on Rails development environment without Vagrant. I’ve found a few issues with these that make the environment somewhat unfeasible for real use. Hopefully, by the end of this article you will have a Docker-based development environment that can actually be used for real development.

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Our Favourite Retrospective Ideas

Ah, the sprint retrospective. When I first joined Made and found out about retrospectives (I’d never had one before), I couldn’t conceive of the idea that there would be any value in such a thing! So you’re telling me, I said, that we get together and do group exercises? Not about the work that we’re about to do, but work we’ve already done? I assumed that it must be a whine-fest about tasks we found tricky, or rationalising out loud about why something took so long to do. I was wrong.

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