Connecting loved ones: building the NHS Book a virtual visit service in 48 hours

The simple digital service enables ward staff to book in calls which we hope will reduce the burden on staff having to do this manually and reduce the number of calls to wards from loved ones. From the loved ones perspective they receive an SMS stating when their virtual visit is booked for and receive a unique link to join the call when the ward is ready.

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Architecting Software for Extremely Fast Feedback-Loops part 1

When we deliver software, we need to ensure it meets the needs of end-users. The slowest feedback-loop is a “big-bang” release – this is essentially shipping all the features at once after developing for weeks, months or even years. We know this to lead to failure far more often than not… Yet, many teams release software this way, and no we don’t recommend it.

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Cost of delay

So, you’ve decided that responding to change over following a plan is going to be one of your guiding values. You look at your plans and think “Gosh a lot of decisions went into creating this roadmap, I don’t want to be changing these without good reason”. Then you start getting conflicted over what good reason is, “How can I be confident that rearranging the roadmap is for the best?”.

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Made Tech’s Guide to Continuous Delivery Tools

Since we wrote the original article just a little over two years ago, we’ve seen a fairly big shift away from self-hosted tools to feature rich Software as Service (SaaS). We’ve also seen nearly all Continuous Integration (CI) tools blur their lines with Continuous Delivery (CD) providing an all-in-one solution.

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6 Ways to Embrace Startup Agility in Retail

The retail industry has been squeezed on many fronts over the past decade, from Internet giants flexing their technology muscle (and willingness to not always turn a profit) to disrupt markets to fast-moving start-ups who are unencumbered by big company process, and who are able to attract strong technology talent.

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