What went down at Deliver Con 2022

A couple of weeks ago we opened the Made Tech doors for the UK’s delivery manager community in and around the public sector. We shared our space to help host Deliver Con for 2 days, welcoming a range of wonderful speakers sharing their stories of agile delivery.

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A day in the remote life of a software engineer

More people are now being forced into a remote working lifestyle that they may be unprepared for. I’ve been a mostly remote worker for around two years and wanted to share some of my routine in the hope that some may find it helpful.

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When to fold ’em – how to avoid the sunk cost fallacy

Some years ago, I worked as part of a development team on a project to upgrade a tangled legacy system managing a company’s payment systems. Two months in, and we had very little to show for it – pages of diagrams that looked like spiderwebs, a few outages caused by failed attempts to untangle the pile, and a rising level of frustration.

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Dismantling Silos

A silo exists in an organisation when one group within the organisation has differing goals to another. In most organisations there are groups of people that, usually, have an objective to fulfil by an agreed upon date. For example, the Sales team is set a mandate to increase the number of customers of the company by 10% every month, whereas the Support team has internal performance goals, and one of them is to deliver support within a fixed budget.

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Agile Planning

Both words, “agile” and “planning”, mean different things to different people. In this article I hope to provide an overview of agile planning without going into specific implementations like Scrum or Kanban whilst still providing practical advice for any implementation.

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