Experimenting with Clojure for a day

Ruby really is my favourite programming language, I love the clean syntax and the freedom that it gives you. Beyond debugging meta programming in gems far far away, I have no real trouble with solving problems in it. Many people say that it is too slow, but I have found that effective caching and background processing negates this for the majority of typical web apps.

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Internal vs External Quality of Software

Many studies have been conducted in an attempt to formalise the quality of software. Some quality models have been established, like SQuaRE by Consortium for IT Software Quality, which takes into consideration 5 key points: Reliability, Efficiency, Security, Maintainability and (adequate) Size.

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Morale, Recognition & Reward

Morale is closely related to job satisfaction. When morale is high, your team is happier, more productive, and more likely to believe in your organisation’s vision. On the flip side, not enough (or any) praise for a job well done, dealing with a difficult clients, or heavy workloads can significantly lessen morale, and sometimes lead to higher employee turnover.

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5 Software Anti Patterns I Love To Hate

Software anti-patterns are a well covered topic, but I thought I would highlight some of the ones I’ve encountered most frequently. These may seem obvious and at times innocent looking but make no mistake, they are sinister and will sabotage your efforts to add features to a codebase. I’ve gone ahead and made up my own names for some of the more specific anti-patterns.

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