Focus with well structured RSpec tests

Before joining Made, my experience with unit testing was always with PHPUnit. It’s very flexible in allowing you to write tests quickly; create a class, add some methods that start with test, include some assertions, and away you go. What I don’t think PHPUnit—and similar—allow you to do well is think about how to structure your tests, and what to focus them on. For that you have to rely on experience and good discipline.

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9 Benefits of Test Driven Development

Test Driven Development is the practice of writing a test for a piece of required functionality, before writing any implementation code. This test should fail when first run, and then, you write the code to get it to pass. It doesn’t have to be the most perfect code, just so long as the test passes. Once it does, you can then safely refactor your code.

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All looking rather Dashing

At Made we collect a lot of metrics. From projects, to servers, to support, to admin. All of these are stored in various services and it’s not that easy to get quick and simple visibility of these.

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