The importance of software support and maintenance for all organisations

It’s rare to encounter an organisation where software isn’t an important aspect of their day-to-day operation. Whether it’s a small business with a simple website, an international retailer with an e-commerce store and a Warehouse Management System, or a charity organisation collecting, storing and reporting environmental data, at some point, each of those organisations will need to engage on some level with a piece of software in order to ensure its smooth operation.

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Keeping code quality high

Code quality is a term that is often thrown around in the software engineering industry. And like the art of coding itself, it is very subjective and its true meaning will differ depending on an individual, or a team’s beliefs. But at its heart most engineers and teams would agree that good quality code is easy to read, well tested, and maintainable in the long term. But how do we achieve this?

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Morale, Recognition & Reward

Morale is closely related to job satisfaction. When morale is high, your team is happier, more productive, and more likely to believe in your organisation’s vision. On the flip side, not enough (or any) praise for a job well done, dealing with a difficult clients, or heavy workloads can significantly lessen morale, and sometimes lead to higher employee turnover.

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Agile Planning

Both words, “agile” and “planning”, mean different things to different people. In this article I hope to provide an overview of agile planning without going into specific implementations like Scrum or Kanban whilst still providing practical advice for any implementation.

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Learning From Mistakes

As software engineers, we’re faced with new problems and challenges every day. No matter how well we know a programming language, how many projects we’ve worked on throughout our careers or how much time we’ve spent creating repeatable solutions to common problems, there will always be something new that requires critical thought.

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