Design Patterns: Strategy

Design patterns are solutions to software design problems that are presented in an almost conceptual way. That is to say, a given design pattern has the potential to be applied to a piece of software written in any number of languages but, at a code level, it’s up to the developer to interpret that idea and make it work for them.

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Agile Problem Solving: Moving as a Team

We’re a company dedicated to producing quality software our clients love, and we’re constantly striving to refine and improve the processes we use to do so. With that in mind, getting things “Done done” is a massive priority for us, and anything that hinders that ability is something we will always work to remove.

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Introducing our new monthly meetup: QuizBuzz!

We’ve been running internal Code Dojo sessions for a couple of years now, and last year our newest member, Andrew, suggested putting a new spin on the traditional format. We enjoyed it so much that we had to share it with the wider community so, to help celebrate our move to a swanky new office, we’ll be opening our doors to the public and launching Made’s first monthly event: QuizBuzz!

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What is Continuous Delivery?

In today’s world of instant communication, businesses need to be able to move quickly to meet the ever changing needs of their customers, especially so when it comes to building, maintaining and evolving the online platforms of those businesses.

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Cross Browser Testing in IE7

We’re getting ever closer to the point where we can finally stop supporting certain legacy browsers; IE6 is officially dead, and the support Microsoft provides for clients running IE7 is extremely limited, but it’s still not particularly uncommon to meet a client that requires support for IE7.

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