Made Tech Blog

Introducing our new monthly meetup: QuizBuzz!

We’ve been running internal Code Dojo sessions for a couple of years now, and last year our newest member, Andrew, suggested putting a new spin on the traditional format. We enjoyed it so much that we had to share it with the wider community so, to help celebrate our move to a swanky new office, we’ll be opening our doors to the public and launching Made’s first monthly event: QuizBuzz!

What is QuizBuzz!?

In the style of a pub quiz, QuizBuzz! is a chance for teams to show just how much they know about all things software related, from old school programming languages to modern video gaming, with a few pop culture curveballs thrown in for good measure.

Also, since no pub quiz is complete without a drink or two, we’ll be keeping you watered and fed with beers and pizzas (with non-alcoholic and vegetarian friendly options, of course).

A game of two halves and five rounds, with myself as your quiz master, each team will need to work together to come out on top and claim victory. If trivia isn’t your strong suit, then maybe, despite what Phil Karlton says, naming things is! At the end of the night, our very own Seb Ashton will be handing out a prize for the best team name.

When the victors have been declared, we’ll then head to the nearby Prince William Henry pub for another drink or two, where everyone will have a chance to get to know the other teams a little better.

There are limited places, so claim a spot here on, and we’ll see you all on the night!

Essential Info

When: 18:30 on Wednesday, 20th April – register for a place here

Where: 136 Southwark Street, London, SE1 0SW (get directions). We’re a short, walkable distance from Waterloo, London Bridge, Southwark, Borough and Blackfriars stations. Afterwards, we’ll be heading to the Prince William Henry pub, located just a couple of minutes away from Made HQ.

What: Five rounds of ten questions, each designed to test your knowledge of code, programming, and pop culture. There’ll be a prize for the winning team, and another prize for best team name!

Who: Teams of four – if you already have a team, great. If not, we’ll find you one!

About the Author

Scott Mason

Software Engineer at Made Tech