Digital Health Rewired

About this event

We took part in Digital Health Rewired at London’s Business Design Centre back in March 2023. We presented a Best Practice Showcase on ‘Co-fund & reuse: transforming health and care digital technology with NHS open source collaboratives’.

We spoke about the Made Well Collective – sharing our vision for a library of home-grown NHS and care technology that can be used for free.

At our stand, we took the audience through life-changing success stories like our NHS Book a Virtual Visit service and NHS Gloucestershire mental health access for children and young people.

Made Tech stand at Rewired 2023 featuring case studies, Made Well Collective and our values.


Tuesday, 14 March 2023


Hazel Jones

Head of Health at Made Tech

With nearly 30 years’ experience in digital transformation, Hazel has held roles such as Head of Transformation for BSkyB, Director for Apps & Wearables with NHS Digital and recently responded to a call to arms to help deliver a digital donor journey for the NHS Blood & Transplant plasma programme, which was part of the international Covid19 Recovery Trial.

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Digital priorities for the National Care Service

The new government faces significant challenges in transforming public services, especially in health and social care. Paul O’Looney’s blog outlines the 5 key digital priorities for the proposed National Care Service.

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Creating a text-based SMS service to make mental health services for children and young people more accessible

In early 2021, we began an 8-month journey to create a digital mental health support finder tool for children and young people in Gloucestershire.

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