Spree meets Travis CI

At Made we love using Spree, it is the platform that powers all our recent eCommerce builds. Spree has a great community behind it who churn out some fantastic extensions that, when combined, can pull together a platform to fulfil almost any client requirement.

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The Made Code Dojo

Following on from our adoption of the mob programming technique, we’ve been keeping our skills sharp by gathering the entire team in the Made Code Dojo (aka the meeting room) every fortnight and doing some kung fu.

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Why a Single Source of Truth Matters

With many of our clients, we see issues of data fragmentation: data that is duplicated in many places, often updated on a casual basis, and with little clarity as to which copy of the data is the most current. This data could be anything from product stock levels, through to customer contact information or retail sales figures.

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ActiveRecord Refactoring: Concerns

ActiveRecord provides a lot of power – if not too much. To that power we add our own business logic to create rather large domain models. Here at Made I’ve started looking at various ways to tone down the responsibilities of my ActiveRecord models using various programming patterns.

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